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St. James

Given to the Glory of God in memory of Bob Keaton by his loving wife Pat and children Bob Jr., and Jo


St. John

Given to the Glory of God and in memory of Bruen and Ollie Chappell by their children Donald, Declcer, and Nancy


Hunger and Thirst...

Given to the Glory of God and in memory of William B. Harrell Jr. M.D. by his wife Margaret and son William B.Harrell III.


Blessed are the Meek

Given to the Glory of God - 1996


Blessed are they that mourn


Blessed are the poor in spirit

Given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for S.D. "Dave" and Gene Winham by their children, Suzanne Hackett and Jeanie Pritchard Stewart and their families


Blessed are the Merciful

Given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for Hadley and Savannah by Dennis and Candy Stevens Smith - 1996


Blessed are the peacemakers

Given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Bobby Hardy by Wife, Dean and daughters Elizabeth Wood and Judith Firmin 1920-1994


Blessed are they that are persecuted...

Given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Eugenia Murzicos Poulos by her family & friends


Blessed are the pure in heart

Given to the Glory of God and for the thanksgiving for Jeri Diane Keller and All Special Children 1996


Tapestry - key


Great Hall - Silk Tapestry


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